ZELLER & SEYFERT are the registered legal representatives of 2,513 registered German trademarks at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) (as of 15.02.2021)
We file countless EU trademark applications for our clients at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) every year. All EU trade mark applications are, of course, exclusively carried out by a lawyer with us. This ensures that the entire application procedure is conducted swiftly and without errors. So far, we have filed a total of 1,817 EU trademarks (as of February 17th, 2021) with the EUIPO on behalf of our clients, which have subsequently been registered in the EUIPO trademark register.
One trademark valid throughout the EU
Union trademarks (EU trademarks) protect the trademark holder’s rights throughout the entire territory of the European Union. Instead of registering a national trademark in each individual EU member state, which would also be possible, only one trademark application procedure is required to register an EU trademark. The EU trademark is not a bundle of national trademarks of the individual EU countries, but rather a single trademark which is valid in the entire EU territory. The basis for trademark protection of the proprietor of the EU trademark is the EU Trade Mark Regulation (EUTMR).
Our Guarantee: We file your application within 24 hours
We expressly guarantee our clients that we will always file the respective EU trademark application within 24 hours after receipt of the application fees on our account. A lawyer will take great care of your application and personally file it with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). This guarantees an error-free and expeditious application in accordance with EUIPO standards.
Efficient filing through FastTrack
We recommend our clients to have us file their EU trademarks using the FastTrack procedure. The FastTrack trademark application procedure is the fastest way to obtain registration of an EU trademark at the EUIPO. An essential condition for the application of the FastTrack procedure is that the terms of the goods and services for which the EU trade mark is to be protected come from a standardised database which has already been accepted in advance by the EUIPO. Our attorneys ensure that the list of goods and services for your EU trademark complies with the requirements of the FastTrack procedure and therefore a speedy EU trademark registration can take place.
Trademark Certificates received in PDF format
After registration of the EU trademark, the EUIPO sends the trademark certificate to us as a PDF document. We then forward this PDF document together with the cover letter from the EUIPO directly to you by e-mail. This trademark certificate in PDF format provides full proof in legal proceedings that you are the owner of the trademark in question.
Amazon Seller Brand trademark registry
If you operate an Amazon shop and want to register your trademark with Amazon, you can of course also use your registered EU trademark for this purpose. Amazon will then send us, as your registered trade mark representatives, the Amazon Verification Code by e-mail. We will then forward this code to you so that you can complete the registration process. On average, we receive between 5 and 10 Amazon Verification Codes every day, which we forward to our clients by e-mail in a timely manner.