Julia Neigel gewinnt!
OLG Karlsruhe: Julia Neigel gewinnt gegen musikalischen Konkurrenten, der sich selbst unzutreffend als „Co-Produzent“ der Musikaufnahme von „Schatten an der Wand“ bezeichnet hatte (Az. 6
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OLG Karlsruhe: Julia Neigel gewinnt gegen musikalischen Konkurrenten, der sich selbst unzutreffend als „Co-Produzent“ der Musikaufnahme von „Schatten an der Wand“ bezeichnet hatte (Az. 6
No notice – no expiry! Have you been informed by your employer that your vacation claim may expire? On December 20th, 2022, the Federal Labor
The foreigners authorities in Germany are chronically overworked. Due to a rigid austerity policy and a lack of service mentality, telephone numbers lead nowhere, case
Telemedial work from home or from a home office is playing an increasingly important role in the German labor market: Employers recognize the advantages of
The Covid 19 pandemic has shown that Germany needs to catch up in terms of digitization. It is obvious that the importance of information technology
The new Digital Services Act (DSA) is intended to make the digital space more legally secure in the future and to regulate it according to
We represented our client in a case against the former mayor of a municipality in Lower Saxony and against the municipality itself on the grounds
In opposition proceedings against our client’s registered trademark “HeyGo”, the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) ruled in our favor in its entirety and rejected
Germany has difficulties obtaining skilled workers. In particular, there is a shortage of qualified workers in the “STEM – fields” (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) and
EU trademarks After an extremely successful year 2020 with regard to trademark applications, ZELLER & SEYFERT is again among the top-ranked law firms for trademark
As a result of the war in Ukraine, many Ukrainian nationals are currently arriving in Germany. For these people, the legal opportunity to work is
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